La futura localización de Ultra Music Festival en la ciudad de Miami sigue siendo una incógnita, ya que tras la negativa del gobierno de la ciudad a seguir celebrándose en su antigua localización de Bayfront Park, las últimas noticias y rumores era que éste podría afincarse en Virginia Key, un pequeño islote en la bahía de Miami. Tras estas últimas noticias el recién elegido alcalde de la ciudad ha decidido atacar al festival con un vídeo populista y difamatorio donde, parar tratar de parar esta posible nueva localización que se votará el próximo 15 de Noviembre por los habitantes de la zona, no tiene reparo en utilizar imágenes de otros festivales. Ante esto Ultra Music Festival responde al alcalde (vídeo al final del artículo) con el siguiente comunicado:
“It is deeply regrettable that Mayor-Elect, Mike Davey and the Village of Key Biscayne have elected to publish statements that are knowingly false and misleading rather than to first seek to collaborate with either Ultra representatives or its City of Miami partners (if for no other purpose but to gather accurate facts and to gain an understanding of Ultra’s commitment and obligations respecting, traffic mitigation and environmental and historical preservation planning). By opting to instead circulate what appears to be primarily stock photos (unrelated to Ultra) featuring used needles, polluted shorelines, traffic gridlock, by falsely and intentionally reporting that potentially hundreds of thousands of attendees will be converging on the Rickenbacker Causeway and by falsely stating that City of Miami had purportedly evicted Ultra for environmental destruction, increased alcohol and drug-related violence, safety risks and by reporting other untruths is blatantly disreputable. The offending publication(s) by Mayor-Elect, Mike Davey and the Village of Key Biscayne is patently false and inaccurate, and was made with reckless disregard of the truth. “It unfairly disparages our brand and potentially criminalizes our patrons” says Ray Martinez, Ultra’s spokesperson. The publications made by the Mayor-Elect are believed to be defamatory, as are the horrendous images that were published in an effort to purportedly inflame and scare residents and stakeholders. Ultra condemns this conduct and cautions that such leadership is irresponsible and wrongful on multiple factual and legal grounds including that the disturbing images were not associated with the Ultra Music Festival brand.” (Para ver todo el comunicado pincha aquí)
Como en cualquier otro ámbito, podemos ver como los políticos siguen intentando engañar al pueblo con propaganda barata y manipulada para alcanzar sus metas. Por suerte Ultra Music Festival tiene el suficiente poder para no dejarse achantar e intentar una nueva táctica para convencer a los vecinos de Virginia Key y poder realizar así su edición de 2019. El próximo jueves sabremos el futuro de UMF Miami y os lo contaremos de primera mano.
Martin Garrix puede marcar una época en la música electrónica